Friday 29 May 2020

Editor, Straits Times Singapore

May 29, 2020

Straits times Singapore

Dear Sir/Madam

We refer to your report, “ Mahathir and supporters removes from ruling Bersatu” (ST May 29, 2020)

The news of Tun Dr Mahathir's 'dismissal' from his party was quite disturbing both domestically and abroad. How a world respected leader and twice being the country’s Prime Minister been sack from his own party.There are certain parties who will take the opportunity to 'tarnish' the legacy of Tun Dr Mahathir.

Malaysian Watch Group was called upon to explain in the hope that the readers of this newspaper were not mistaken or misunderstood about the 'sacking' of Tun Dr Mahathir along with four others MPs from BERSATU.

The sacking involved Tun Mahathir Mohamad ,Datuk Seri Mukhriz Tun Mahathir, Former Kedah Chief Minister, Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman, Former Minister of Youth and Sport, Former Education Miniater Dr Mazlee Malik and Dato’ Wira Amiruddin Hj Hamzah. 

Under the party constitution, the dismissal should have been referred to the party's Disciplinary Board and the Supreme Council first, but that has not been done.

In addition the dismissal was not done in according with the party’s convention. According to the convention, the accused asked to defend himself before the disciplinary board.The fact is rhat there is no Supreme Council meeting to discuss this.

The letter of dismissal dated 28 May 2020 were issued by the Organising Secretary of BERSATU. The dismissal was due to the allegation that they have been sitting in a 'bloc that could not support the Perikatan Nasional which runs the government after successfully launched political kudeta which caused the collapse of Pakatan Harapan (PH) which won the last Malaysian General Election. 

For your readers information the President of BERSATU Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin not in favour of the party be part of Pakatan Harapan (PH) which Muhyiddin himself won the last election under PH ticket. He is pulling out the party (BERSATU) from PH with several BERSATU MPs to joined forces with UMNO Kleptocracy /Corrupted Leaders and religious fanatic PAS. The pull-out to joined forces with the grouping mentioned without the blessing and the approval of BERSATU Supreme Council.

According to the party constitution ALL member dismissal powers are vested with the Secretary-General while the Organising Secretary is not recognized in the constitution of the party dealing with membership.

In the letter of dismissal dated 29 May 2020 to the Organising Secretary, Mr Marzuki Yahya Secretary-General of BERSATU, clarified that the dismissal of the organizing secretary over the party's ethics of the administration of the party as well as the issuance and non-referral of the party's Secretary-General as the party's as the Chief Administrative Officer and the party's Secretary General. This is in accordance with the Constitutional Party party Amendment 2019, through which the methods of Expulsion and Removal of Members are subject to Clause 10 and Claus 16.6

With the above explanation it’s our hope
that your readers will under the sequence of event. 

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