Tuesday 7 April 2020

Spore opposition blame Msian for Covid 19

Singapore will soon hold the election despite the Covid 19 outbreak.
2.This is in view of the report of the Electoral Boundaries Review Committee (EBRC) tabled in parliament on 13 March 2020.
3.Looking at the four elections held in Singapore once the Boundaries Review Committee (EBRC) was passed in parliament, it would suggest the election will be just around the corner.
4.While the whole world are facing Covid 19 outbreak, the ruling party insist that the election must go on. Failing to hold or postponed the election are against the Singapore’s Constitutions.(according to Singapore’s Minister in parliament)
5.Perhaps holding an election during Covid 19 outbreak clearly the stategy of the PAP government to win vote of sympathics from the people.
6.With all the goodies given to the people of Singapore during Covid 19 pandemick including cash payment will be great advantages for the ruling party to win the heart and minds of the people. 
7.In addition equip with the stern rulings of Covid 19 will give the oppositions hard time to hold gathering, walk about sessions which may involved many people and mass rally in order to gainer support from the voters.
8.The oppositions don’t have much time to campaign and to appeal
for vote due to time constrained.
9.But some opposition leaders had already started ‘punching below the belly’.
10.One Singapore opposition tried to manifest himself as a patrotik to Singapore by blaming Malaysian Citizen/workers was the cause of covid 19 spread in Singapore.
11.He must be naive if not opportunist that Singapore was at fault the spread of Covid 19 in Malaysia.
12.It all started when a tourist from mainland China visited Singapore. Subsequently, taking a bus to Malaysia via Johor Immigration and Checkpoint. The tourist was found to had positive virus of Covid 19.
13.Subsequently few more China tourist after visiting Singapore proceed to Malaysia via Johor immigration and Checkpoint found to be positive of Covid 19.
14.Singapore leaders seems to be blind or deaf with all the incidents reported in the media. In spite  few incidents where Chinese tourist found to be positive of Covid 19 no effort taken to curb the chinese tourist from entering Singapore or at least do the screening.
15.With the recent accusations by Singapore Opposition leaders it seem not only the PAP leaders are naive or irresponsible but it involved the oppositions too.
16.We would like to advise politicians be it from the ruling party nor the opposition across the causeway please don’t use Malaysian as a tool to achieve your political aims and objective.

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