Saturday 10 October 2020

Appoint Interim Prime Minister

DATUK Seri Anwar Ibrahim informed that he has obtained the consent of Yang di-Pertuan Agung Al-Sultan Abdullah Ri’ayatuddin Al-Mustafa Billah to appear before him to present the majority of MPs who support him to form a new government.

2. Through a statement, the PKR president said he was scheduled to meet Al-Sultan Abdullah next Tuesday. October 13, 2020.

3. This is not the first time PKR President, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim has claimed to have the support of MPs to form a government. In September 2008, once stated to gain support to form a government after Pakatan Rakyat lost in the 12th General Election (GE), held in March of the same year

4.Following Anwar's statement, Amanah Vice President, Mujahid Yusof stated that there are several reasons why Anwar Ibrahim took steps to meet the YDP Agong is to form a strong government after Muhyiddin Yassin led a very fragile team during the crisis. This gives a signal that Amanah agrees and supports Anwar Ibrahim's drastic action.

5, It is common knowledge that in GE14, the people gave their support to Pakatan Harapan because of PH's agenda to fight and eliminate corruption among the top leaders of the UMNO government firstly on the 1MDB issue.

6. After winning GE14, several UMNO figures / leaders were brought before the Court on criminal charges such as Corruption, money laundering, abuse of power and various. Zahid Hamidi faces 47 charges, Najib Razak 42 counts, Rosmah Mansor 22 counts, Isa Samad 10 counts, Tengku Adnan 2 counts, Irwan Serigar 6 counts, Muhammad Shafie 4 counts, Rizal Mansor 4 counts, Hasanah Abdul Hamid 1 counts and Arul Kanda 1 counts .

7. The question ahead, has Pakatan Harapan's agenda and struggle faded against corruption after Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad no longer leads Pakatan Harapan?

8. There is no denying this is happening. Anwar has seek the support of Zahid Hamidi as UMNO President who is currently facing 47 criminal charges. Will Zahid Hamidi cooperate with Anwar Ibrahim if he is not given the guarantee of his 'safety' which is now on the verge of sg buloh prison?

9.If Anwar did not ‘treat Zahid well’ after becoming PM, then pressure will be put on Anwar and finally what Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin is facing will also be faced by Anwar. And finally the Anwar government (supposedly) became the same as the Vice President of Amanah said, "facing various crises and fragility". If this happens it will not be able to solve the problems of the country and the people. If left unchecked it will not find its end.

10. What we can see that what is happening in the country's politics which is so fragile and too weak and at the same time the country is struggling with the Covid 19 virus, and seeing the 'madness' of certain politicians in their efforts to become Prime Minister, it would be good if the YDP Agong appoints the Interim Prime Minister until GE15 is held.

11. We can see that almost every day the mainstream media and social media do not discuss the problems that befall the people. The question is now so many people have lost their jobs. Their families are miserable in the face of daily life. While politicians are busy with politics. Prioritize their own stomachs and those of their family members.

12. The people are waiting to see what will happen to the fate of almost 300 thousand Malaysian workers working in Singapore without a serious defense from government leaders. There are Malaysians who are 'miserable' living in Singapore because if they return to Johor then they will unemployed. Malaysians stranded in Singapore for the sake of their survivals similar those bangla,Indonesians and Rohingya in Malaysia. Singaporeans help them in facing the current of life there. Unfortunately politicians (especially government political leaders) are too busy defending their positions while discussions with Singaporean leaders continue to be ignored and considered non-serious.

13. Does Singapore face the problem of Covid 19 which continues to ban foreigners from visiting the country like Malaysia? The answer is no. If we monitor the situation there, Singaporeans have returned to normal life by complying with all SOP Covid 19 enforced by the Singapore government. Singapore is currently in the process of opening its airport to the rest of the world by tightening SOP Covid 19.

14. While the leaders of Singapore are trying to build the country, in Malaysia the political leaders, be the government nor the opposition, especially PKR are busy to achieves their political ambitions and individual politics without thinking about the interests / welfare of the people.

15. Malaysian leaders are mostly Muslims. But they do not reflect what religion demands in governing the country or as a leader who holds on to being a Muslim.

16. The time has come, the Majlis Raja Raja intervenes in the administration of the country in the appointment of the Prime Minister and we cannot afford to see the country destroyed by greedy politicians like Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

17. Therefore, we humbly request that the Interim Prime Minister be appointed until the 15th GE is held. The purpose is to address all the problems faced by the country and the people.

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